March 8, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica


It came as a shock to some Brown’s Town residents after an inmate was beaten and burnt by cell mates while in police custody at the Brown’s Town Police Station on Friday Morning, March 9.

Twenty Two-year-old Troy Miles, from Lincoln District in Brown’s Town, St Ann, was the victim of the gruesome attack.


Miles was taken into police custody after a family dispute ensued in the wee hours of Friday morning. It was alleged that Miles had assaulted a female family member. According to Miles he was taken from his home between two or three a.m. by the Brown’s Town Police.

Miles added that, the female family member was taken to the hospital in order to confirm injuries she is alleged to have sustained during the dispute.

Miles says he was placed in a cell with six other men four of whom proceeded to beat him later that morning.

According to Miles, he knew one of the men, whom he describes as “a much older man”, before that morning.

He claims this man was always known as a delinquent person and that he is the one who persuaded the other men to “beat the bwoy (Miles)”.

Miles says he was beaten all over his body by the men who repeatedly kicked and punched him. A lighter was also used to burn Miles all over his head.

Miles says his cries for help proved futile as the officers were not able to hear him. This he says is because of the distance between the station and the cell.

Later that same day an officer on duty went to the cell block to do routine checks and Miles made a complaint.

He was then transferred to another cell. Miles says the men in that cell “didn’t touch me, they were asking how I’m doing because them could hear how the other man dem did a do mi”.

On Friday evening, it is said by Miles that another officer had come on duty and was “sorting out the paper work for me to be released, when he saw that my hair was burnt”.  Miles said that he made a report to the officer, who informed him that he could press charges against the men who had assaulted him.

He claims he had swelling on different parts of his body, burns on his head and was spitting blood.

He was released to the care of his mother late Friday night, who brought him to the hospital for treatment on Saturday Morning.

Miles says since the incident he has been suffering from migraine.