IAN ISAACS, JLPEXCHANGE DIVISION, St Ann Municipal Corporation Of all the many projects he has completed in the Exchange Division, North East St Ann, that he represented from 2016, Ian Isaacs is proudest about the piped water distribution system that the Exchange communities now enjoy. “I consider it my best legacy project to have been able to provide adequate and consistent piped water supply to the Exchange communities,” he says. Mr Isaacs has been lobbying the National Water Commission (NWC), to provide water to other sections of the Division, including Dunnsville and Breadnut Hill based on the promised upgrade of the Walkerswood pumping station. Some sections of Breadnut Hill have water. One of the biggest road rehabilitation projects in the Division, is the Dunnsville Road from Marvins Park, with realignment of the gully and drains. That, and improvements to the Breadnut Hill, and Exchange main roads came following appeals to then MP, the late Shahine Robinson. Bonham Heights Road has been repaired through a public-private partnership. The well-used roadway between Pineapple and Coconut Grove was done with assistance from the Tourism Enhancement Fund. Mr Isaacs has identified other roads needing urgent action and has been lobbying or making proposals with estimates provided for their repairs. These include Content Gardens, Eltham Road –Front and Back Street, and Front Street in Great Pond. Mr Isaacs says he assisted educational institutions in several ways. A front fence was erected at the Exchange All Age School, and a paved sidewalk and widening of the road from the SDA church to the school, both improved safety for the children. He has supported the Exchange Division Corner League which has become the largest of its kind in St Ann. It was Mr Isaacs’ idea and collaboration with Michael Belnavis that started the annual Fireworks on the Bay, in Ocho Rios. Mr Isaacs thanks God that he has been able to provide personal assistance to some of the most vulnerable – children going to school, the elderly, and the sick. “To help people this way is my passion and I can’t stop,” Mr Isaacs says. He’s seeking the vote of the people to continue the projects and realize several plans, the most exciting of which would be the transformation of White River, near where it enters the sea at Shaw Park Hotel and Couples Sans Souci. It’s a dream project that would require major work including a Boardwalk, redesigned shops, resurfacing of the roadway, and incorporating the present operators including rafters.
TREVOR GRIER, PNPEXCHANGE DIVISION, St Ann Municipal Corporation Trevor “Jerry” Grier says he is taking on representational politics to bring human and infrastructure change to the Exchange Division where he was born and lives. He has been involved in the political organization in the division and constituency of North East St Ann for the last ten years. Mr Grier is now making a bid to become the Councillor for the Exchange Division in the St Ann Municipal Corporation (SAMC). Mr Grier is an entertainment promoter, production manager and high school athletics coach. He also runs his track club. He has had a long involvement with youth clubs, having helped to establish Content Gardens Police Youth Club and Three Hills, in the neighbouring St Mary. Plus, he has supported or helped other clubs establish themselves, in his bid to uplift young people. Mr Grier describes himself as a “people person” long involved with activities that support and empower the most vulnerable, from community Christmas treats for children to health fests for the elderly, and free back-to-school medical sessions for youngsters. Mr Grier, also called Jerry, points to the needs of many young people in the Exchange Division. “Many of them are skilled but can’t get ahead because they have no certification. Mechanics, masons, technicians. So I say we need to work with HEART/NSTA and the skills training colleges in the area and make it happen for them.” He says the people of Exchange want less handouts and more structures and infrastructure. He says as a Councillor he would be in a better position to assist in that way. “I am entering politics to make a change and a change to how people view politics,” he said. He says as he walks the Division, he sees the need for major road repairs. He says it’s constantly mentioned by people in the Division – fix the roads. He says that need is great in his community of Content Gardens and in Eltham and others too. Mr Grier says he is not daunted by the fact that the PNP has never won the Exchange Division. “I can take it. I can be the first to win it for the PNP. I am not fazed that it’s the strongest for the JLP in North East St Ann,” he says. ON ELECTION DAY, February 26, 2024 VOTE TREVOR GRIER, VOTE PNP |
- February 20, 2024
- 4 minutes read
- 1 year ago