March 29, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica

Warmington couple celebrate 153rd birthday

Former senior police officers Neville and Dorothy
Warmington celebrated their 153rd joint birthday Sunday
with a party for family, associates and friends at their home
in Hartlands, St Ann.
The birthdays of the two amounted to 153 years. They were
hailed in several tributes as disciplined, hardworking,
community people who were loyal and loving.
Mr Warmington retired as Detective Superintendent and his
wife as Inspector.
Since then, in 2006, they established Warmsville investigative
Security Enquiry (WISE) an investigative security service,
with debt collection as its main business.
Custos of St Ann Norma Walters pointed to the outstanding
building refurbished as the home of WISE in St Ann’s Bay and
speaking to the couple said “You are two awesome people…
Jamaica needs people like you.”
Also giving tribute was sister of Mrs Warmington, Elaine
Grant. She said the Warmingtons were a great example of a
caring and loving couple who made their families proud.
Among senior police officers giving tribute were (retired) ACP
Ray Palmer and (retired) ACP Denver Frater.

In his tribute, businessman Dr. Jens Olturogge said he could
not do the math since Mrs Warmington was only 50 and at
103 her husband looked quite fit.
Also among the guests were: Custos Emeritus R.O.Walters,
Dr Linton Francis and wife Wendy; DSP Linton Bailey, Claudia
Olturogge, Franklin McKnight , Winston Clarke, (retired) SSP
Patricia White, (retired) Inspector Lionel Rayson and (retired)
Inspector Roy Holness.
Other guests included children of the couple Neville Jr and
Dwight Warmington and employees at WISE.
Music was provided by Paul Richards.

Neville Warmington and wife at the head table at their
birthday party.
Cutting the 153 rd birthday cake.