February 23, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica

W.W.Webster Allen – A fine exemplar


Following is a small portion of the tribute by Custos Norma Walters at the funeral service for the late Rev Winston Warick Webster Allen, JP — Editor

It is with a deep sense of sadness, but certainly, not one of hopelessness,I stand here on behalf of the Justices of the Peace of St. Ann to pay tribute to the late Rev. Winston W

arwick Webster Allen, Justice of the Peace, Educator, Family man and community leader.

As a personal acquaintance, and certainly in my official capacity, I can attest unequivocally, that over these forty (40) years that I have known him, Rev. Allen always conducted himself with the utmost civility and decency. You know, my brothers and sisters in Christ, Joan Baez said” You don’t get to choose how you are going to die, or when; you can only decide how you are going to live, now”. Rev. Allen bought into the mantra that service is the rent we pay for our existence on earth and he used every available opportunity to make his contribution and to leave a legacy of giving.

I saw him at work (at Marcus Garvey High) in what were tremendously difficult and trying circumstances for Educators who were called upon to execute and manage dual shift system programmes in schools. These duties were particularly stressful for the Head, as leaders, as they were virtually called upon to manage two (2) large institutions at once and with relative meager resources. Despite these demands on his time, I found Mr. Allen to be mild mannered, approachable and always available to his constituents –his colleagues, the staff- teachers, administrative, auxiliary and ancillary, students and parents. He was well known to be fair minded and compassionate, and in many respects wore his heart on his sleeves, so to speak.In thisrural community, this humble young leader gained the respect of his fellow citizens.

He was the first principal for the school and being tasked in what know as the “new secondary School s” to accommodate a growing demand for high school spaces and in St. Ann’s Bay, ultimately to diversify the curriculum for the introduction of technical subjects.

The requirement for strong inter personal and communication skills, and the requisite demands for conflict resolution and management as an Educator prepared him well to assume his role as a Justice of the Peace, when he was commissioned in 1996.

It is also well known that Rev. Allen was mindful at all times of his responsibility to set a fine example and to refrain from any conduct or activity which would detract from the reputation of the JP. His colleagues remember him as being cautious and demonstrating a consistent commitment to adhering to the requirements for the rules.

My brothers and Sisters in Christ, Rev. Winston Warrick Webster Allen’s personal profile and curriculum vitae could have been used to prepare the Code of Conduct for Justices of the Peace, as set out in the Justice of the Peace (Appointment and Code of Conduct) rules of December 14, 2006.