March 9, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica

Thieves devastate Lime Hall Community Computer Centre, other facilities

Thieves have struck again in Lime Hall, St Ann rendering inoperable an internet and computer centre used by people in that and nearby communities. They also stole items associated with an exercise class run at the centre.

The over 10-year-old Lime Community  Computer Centre which is situated in the Lime Hall Community Center was broken into, vandalized and more than a dozen computers, printers and other electronic items reportedly stolen. The break in and theft was between late Wednesday and early Thursday, October 11-12.

The computers and accessories were donated by a returned resident couple. It was particularly useful to residents of the area, preventing them to have to undertake trips and costs to St Ann’s Bay to use computers and access internet facilities.

The thieves gained entry by using a piece of metal to force off the grill on the back door facing the health clinic. They then kicked off the door and forced their way into the internet center.
According to the couple that donated the internet center the thieves removed two HP printers, 5 CPU, 4 monitors, one modem, one projector and one projector screen. The couple also operated a daily exercise class and electronic items associated with it were also stolen. These include a 32-inch flat screen TV set, one DVD player, 12  DVD copies,  and a number of weights.
The thieves also broke open the store room and removed  15 Shovels, five sheets of tarpaulin,  and 15 cutlasses belonging to the Disaster Preparedness Committee.
The  break-in was discovered about 5.00 a.m. turned up for  their exercise class and saw the doors and grills torn away on the ground and the place ransacked.  They made an alarm as it become a public issue. The matter was immediately reported to St. Ann’s Bay CIB who rushed to the scene and are carrying out their investigations.
The residents found a computer cord on the cemetery road and handed it over to the police. It is believed the thieves made their getaway along that road.

Criminal activity in the area has been regular, with several gun incidents earlier in the year. This has forced many people off the street at night and resulted in diminished entertainment and business activity.

Residents say police do some patrols but their flashing lights and sirens in the area have now left people laughing cynically at how police conduct their activities.

The Lime Hall Primary School was also broken into recently and a quantity of items including computers were stolen. It’s understood that the thieves gained entry into that building by removing a section of the roof.