March 31, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica

The last of the ‘Ugly Americans’?


Linton P. Gordon

It is not impossible for Donald Trump, the presumptive candidate for the Republican Party to win the presidential election in November this year. A lot of people are hoping that “good sense” will prevail amongst the American electorate and they will vote for someone else, most likely Hilary Clinton, rather than Donald Trump. However, we should not rule out a win by Donald Trump.

Trump sounds like an outsider from the main political stream at present and even some leading members of the Republican Party are not prepared to support him. The primary reason for members of his party not supporting him is the belief that he is unpredictable and not sufficiently stable and responsible to be entrusted with the awesome power of being the Chief Commander of the most powerful military/nuclear power the world has ever seen.

Surprisingly and unexpectedly, the Russians are quietly and strategically in support of a victory by Donald Trump. This must be seen as raw international politics by the Kremlin. In other words, the assessment of the candidates by the Russians is that should Trump win the election he would bog down America in a multiplicity of conflicts and international disputes that would lead to a weakening of the United States, a reduction in cooperation between the United States and other countries and, ultimately, a weakening of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). NATO is the combined military force of Western Europe and the United States which was established to “protect” Western Europe from Russia ‘The Bear’ which has always been seen as a threat to that part of the world.

Trump is the ugliest of the “ Ugly American”. The Ugly American is that rough, fearless person who is coarse, crude, loud, arrogant and uncouth. He has no time or respect for the rules and regulations of foreigners and he sees America as the centre of the world

and all other countries revolve around America and should adjust to standards set by the Americans. The ugly American was dying out and was being replaced by diplomacy, decency and mutual respect amongst countries. Trump has reversed this significantly. He has not hesitated to make derogatory remarks about immigrants, ignoring the fact that he is a descendant of immigrants who came to North America and stole lands belonging to the indigenous American people.

Trump is liked by a significant number of Americans who long for a return of the days of the Ugly American who could do anything to anyone anywhere in the world without any repercussions. Trump’s belief  is a clear sign that he is living in a dream world or, as it is being said of his foreign policy, he is totally ignorant of how the world operates. It was never thought that a man of African descent could win a Presidential election in the U.S. Yet Obama won it twice and on both occasions he won with a significant number of white voters supporting him. Obama can be described as an outsider being of the minority in the United States.

Trump started out as an outsider of the political system. He was never a governor, nor a senator nor a member of Congress. Indeed, he is not known to have ever held any political office. Yet he has been able to win against several popular and nationally known politicians. His political meetings often involve acts of violence, including occasions on which Trump appears to encourage his supporters  to attack and forcefully evict those opposing him. On at least one occasion Trump offered to pay the legal fees of any of his supporters who may face criminal charges for assaulting those opposing him.

The United States is facing a most challenging situation. Should there be a terrorist attack on the United States between now and the November elections, but especially close to the time of the election, it is highly likely that Americans will panic and rush to vote for Trump, the man who has promised to make “America great again”. The outcome of the United States election and the determination of the victor might therefore be ironically in the hands of terrorist groups, the greatest enemies of the American state.