February 23, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica



(Members of the St Hilda’s team pose with Kiwanians Distinguished Lieutenant Governor of Excellence Richard, left, and President Joshua Dwyer, right. The Debaters are, from 2nd left Rihanna Williams, Britansia Austin, JadaKish Hosang, Tasheera Thompson), 

St. Hilda’s Diocesan High School has won the inaugural staging of the Kiwanis Club of Charlton-Alexandria (KCC-A) Debate.

The debate was staged among four schools, the others being York Castle High, Westwood High, and Iona High. It was held on January 29 at Moneague College, St Ann.

For winning the competition St Hilda’s received the competition’s trophy, gold medals, and a $30,000 cash prize. Second place went to York Castle High who received a cash prize of $20,000 along with silver medals.

The competition’s Best Speaker award of $5,000, went to Janeil Spencer of York Castle High.

(Second place winners York Castle High)

All other participating debaters, from Westwood High and Iona High, received bronze medals and certificates of participation.

Judges were attorney-at-law Latoya Thomas, Past Lieutenant Governor Pauline Lewis-Redway, and guidance counsellor Rackeisha Dunn.

This debate competition event formed part of team KCC-A and president Joshua Dwyer’s continued efforts to deliver on their 2023-2024 theme, Empowerment Through Dedicated Community Service for Children’s Advocacy. Special thanks to the

Event organizer, club secretary Ingrid Palmer said they intend to make the event an annual one that would not be restricted to schools that have Key Clubs. Also among the organizers was Ashawana.