PNP Councillor for the Claremont Division, Lambert Weir is to be charged for knowingly making a false statement in a statutory declaration to the Integrity Commission (IC).
The charge arises out of the failure of Mr Weir to include among his assets a Toyota Prado, in statutory declarations for 2017 to 2019.
According to the Director of Investigations at the IC, Councillor Weir obtained a 20 per cent duty concession when purchasing the Prado which he sold to a friend.
The friend Lyson Charlton reportedly advanced eight million dollars to the councillor in March 2017 to purchase the vehicle.
The Director of Investigation said that since payment was advanced by the same individual who eventually took possession of the vehicle, Councillor Weir either obtained the duty concession fraudulently or misled the Commission.
Mr Weir is claiming he was unaware of the specific law he was accused of breaking.