March 5, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica

SEX AND TEENS – Straight Talk


sex talk


Dr Jennice Baker

This is a very important article. Some of you may not like what I have to say and I respect that but I will still say it to the one person who needs to hear the truth.

Share this article with young people/teenagers you love or parents who have teens. Doing this may save them from a lifetime of heartaches and stress.

Warning: You might find this offensive as I’m known to be very raw-chaw at times!

(Real life) CASE: A teenage boy who I met recently was scared out of his mind. He had had unprotected sex with a young lady about three weeks before and he was worried. He said he wanted to check for every disease.

That’s what he said.

Being the kind of person I am, I had to dig deeper to understand what he meant.

The long and short of it is that he had noticed a yellow discharge in his urine for about five days, about a week after the intercourse. And then it made him become concerned. In fact, he was very worried.
• Had he caught a sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea or Chlamydia?
• Had he caught herpes or syphilis?
• Had he caught HIV?
• Could the girl be pregnant?

It’s not the 1970s anymore, these diseases are real and in living color!

Below, in this article, is some of what I told him. And yes, I really did….

I remember when I use to work at Comprehensive STD Clinic in Kingston. When you worked that department, you could identify the infection just by the smell! It was so common. I used to ask myself why do people take these risks. And there are many answers. Some men hate using condoms and women are afraid to insist on them using it. There are other reasons too but for young people, a lot of it is just the “feelings”.

Sex is about the FEELINGS – love, lust, feeling horny, feeling stressed, feeling lonely, feeling like you don’t care, feeling like “let me take the chance”, feeling to fit in. A lot of EMOTIONS.

The problem is that AFTERWARDS, in these situations there is always REGRET!!

Regret about the STD, the pregnancy, the cheapness of a one night stand or the sex causing you to feel tied to a person who just used you.

It’s sticky and tricky

Even for big grown adults who still can’t control the desire, can’t tame the nature.
The biggest risk is for married people who “trust” their spouse and their spouse bring home to them AIDS – especially long distance relationships.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDS)
• Most STDs can be cured with antibiotics if dealt with early.
• Some cannot be cured – a lifelong consequence. Herpes cannot be cured but can be controlled with medication. HIV cannot be cured but can be controlled with a lifetime of medicine.
• STDs cause lots of complications if they go undetected and therefore untreated — infertility, years of belly pain, and may spread to other organs, etc

• Unwanted pregnancy
• Single parenting
• Thoughts of abortion
• A forever consequence

Sex has been around from Adam and Eve and it isn’t going anywhere. There is no rush to start having sex or pressure to have sex at any age.

Music telling you to sex down the place is foolishness because it doesn’t warn you of the consequences. It’s like ads telling you to buy KFC and Burger King and not warning you about heart attack and stroke later on when you develop high cholesterol and obesity.
CONTINUED NEXT WEEK: Which friends to drop