March 26, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica
Times Tech Center

Precautions in meeting people from social networks







By: Orville Wright

Dating is awkward. And while internet dating makes it easier to get that first date, it doesn’t do a huge amount to reduce the uncomfortable reality of sitting with a stranger casually trying to discover if you like each other. But as online dating has evolved, it has steadily moved away at some of those problems. What started as a simple online version of the small ads you would find in the back of a newspaper began to get smarter at matching couples. Next to go was the barrier of signing up and filling in a profile, as the next generation of mobile apps started lifting information straight from social networking sites. The final hurdle, it seems, is the date itself. This has changed drastically, meeting people through social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and several others. Some of these meetings have proven to turn out into strong friendships or even relationships, but there are several precautions you must take before even meeting someone In person

Be Web Wise
Be aware of communications that ask you to act immediately, offer something that sounds too good to be true, or asks for personal information. There are certain red flags to watch for that may indicate you’re dealing with a scammer. Be aware of anyone who…

  • Quickly asks to talk or chat on an outside email or messaging service
  • Claims to be from U.S. but currently travelling, living or working abroad
  • Asks you for money
  • Vanishes mysteriously from the site, then reappears under a different name
  • Claims to be recently widowed
  • Asks for your address under the guise of sending flowers or gifts
  • Makes an excessive amount of grammar and/or spelling errors
  • Sends you emails containing strange links to third-party websites

First meetings are exciting, however, always take precautions and use the following guidelines.

Get to know the other person before meeting them offline

Always meet in public
Meet for the first time in a populated, public location – never in a private or remote location, and never at your date’s home or apartment.

Stay in a public place
It is best not to go back to your date’s home or bring them back to yours on the first date.  If your date pressures you, end the date and leave at once.

Tell a friend
Inform a friend or family member of your plans and when and where you’re going.  If you own a mobile phone, make sure you have it with you.

Stay sober
Keep a clear mind and avoid doing anything that would affect your judgment and cause you to make a decision you could regret.

Drive yourself to and from the first meeting
Just in case things don’t work out, you need to be in control of your own ride  even if you take a taxi.

Keep personal items with you at all times
You don’t want to risk having personal information stolen.  If you’re drinking, keep your drink with you at all times so it can’t be tampered with.LET ME HEAR FROM  YOU OF  ANY GOOD OR BAD EXPERIENCES YOU’VE HAD THROUGH SOCIAL NETWORKING DATES/PROPOSALS  send to my email at [email protected]