February 23, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica


ochi primary

The Ocho Rios Primary School has had its fair share of challenges. However, the commitment of all stakeholders must be commended as success is always imminent because of their continued input. Hence, Ocho Rios Primary School continues to be the school of choice. In April, 2015 Grade Six was taken off the shift system and subject teaching was introduced. The transition went smoothly and students adapted quickly to the routine of moving to the various classes. This cohort of students has proven that this decision was a step in the right direction as the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) results of 2016 show significant improvement across the subject areas. Over 75% of the students gained above average, with a significant number scoring averages of  eighty percent (80%) and higher, including our top performing girl and boy who copped a ninety-five percent (95%) average and eighty nine percent (89%) respectively. These scores are commensurate with the national and regional averages.The implementation of the School-wide Positive Behaviour Intervention Support (SWPBIS) framework coupled with the concerted efforts made by each teacher to ensure that the core values of this programme are taught and  practised daily are tantamount to the success of the students. These core values are geared towards developing the discipline necessary to create an atmosphere of achievement. The core values, Safety, Trust, Achievement, Respect and Responsibility, (STAR) give children the prerequisite skills that are vital to a successful teaching/learning experience.

Although very proud of our GSAT recipients of 2016, we are anticipating greater results in the coming years with the Grades 3-5 students joining the Grade 6 on the full day school system in September. This will allow our teachers the time to go way beyond the curriculum to develop holistic children who can adapt to the changing world and make a difference in the ecological/global climate.