Police sources are baffled by the motive for the murder of a businessman outside his gate in St Ann Saturday night. He had just returned from church with his family.
Dead is 42-year-old Vincent Latty of Clamstead, Lime Hall, St Ann.
Mr Latty who operates a cook shop in St Ann’s Bay was shot dead about 9:45 p.m.
Reports are that he had just returned home from a church social and had earlier stopped briefly, with his family, at a cook shop he operated in St Ann’s Bay.
Reaching his home, at Lime Hall, he parked his car on the roadway.
He let his wife and a son into the yard and was locking the gate when he was attacked and shot several times. He fell on the steps at the gate. A firearm he had was taken from him.
No attempt was made to rob him.
Police said Mr Latty’s cell phone was found in bushes about 60 metres from the scene.
C Hall