March 6, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica

How the West created training ground for terrorists


Linton P Gordon

There can be no doubt now that the world is far less safe than it was prior to the Americans and their allies invading Iraq and destroying the Government there.  George Bush (Jr) and British Prime Minister Tony Blair asserted strongly and uncompromisingly that they were making the world safer by getting rid of Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq.  The Western countries also invaded Afghanistan, with the stated policy of making the world safer. They went into Libya, overthrew the Government of Colonel Gaddafi, again in an effort to make the world safer.The Western countries next commenced arming terrorist groups which they unleashed on the Government of Syria, again in an attempt, they assured us, to make the world safer.

What has emerged from the destruction of relatively stable Governments in the countries mentioned above is a number of organized terrorist organizations with the one known as ISALAMIC STATE OF IRAQ AND SYRIA (ISIS) being the most aggressive and the most dangerous of the lot. What we now have is that countries such as Iraq, in which under Saddam none of these terrorist groups could have existed, are now in effect a factory spurring out well trained, well-educated and highly motivated young men and women committed to the destruction of the Western culture and system of Government. To that extent, they are also aiming at our culture and Government as we are similar in culture and Government to the United States of America and Western Europe.


We should not forget that the Americans through Colin Powell, a descendant of Jamaican immigrants, announced to the world that the justification for destroying the Government of Iraq was that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction which constituted a threat to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Europe. At the same time Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom addressed the House of Commons and informed them that Saddam Hussain had weapons which he could fire at Britain, these weapons taking thirty (30) minutes to reach Britain.Prime Minister Blair on that occasion was either being economical with the truth or he was deliberately misled by the Americans or his own intelligence apparatus.We now have in the Middle East and Africa, a number of countries that fall into the category of ‘FAILED STATES’. There is Somalia which was invaded by the Americans. There is Yemen. There is Libya. There is Iraq, Afghanistan and parts of Syria, especially to the North where terrorists initially supported by the West, have overrun and controlled vast areas. There are therefore now areas in all these countries that are safe haven for the training of terrorist organisations.


The terrorist attacks in Australia, France, Belgium and now Denmark cannot be divorced from the decision of the Americans and their allies to overthrown and destroy the Government of Saddam and Colonel Gaddafi. In destroying relatively stable Governments in these several countries without replacing them or seeing to their replacement, the western countries committed a grave tactical error as they have in effect established training grounds for terrorist.

The lesson we should learn from all of this is that there is a need for those entrusted with governing a country to be honest and truthful to those they govern. The western countries embarked upon the destruction of the Governments of the countries mentioned above on a false, untruthful and deceptive foundation and this is what has led to an increase in the number of terrorists now attacking the West.The greatest irony of this situation is that several young men and women are now travelling from the United States and Western Europe to these training grounds were they are trained and sent back to their respective countries to commit acts of terrorismThe United States of America and the Western countries have only themselves to blame for this sad and tragic situation.