PORT ANTONIO, Portland; Feb 20, 2025
They are going after the rats in Port Antonio and other parts of Portland.
The Portland Health Department is carrying out a programme over the next few weeks to eradicate rodents from town centres.
The parish has seen an increase in rat infestation in recent months, JIS reports.
Public Health Inspector, Samuel Brown, said the programme will cost more than $16 million and will involve interventions such as setting baits and public education on how persons can assist in ridding their surroundings of the pests.
(Public Health Inspector Samuel Brown)
He was speaking at the recent monthly meeting of the Portland Municipal Corporation (PMC) held in Port Antonio.
Rats can transmit diseases to humans including leptospirosis, hantavirus, rat bite fever and lymphocytic choriomeningitis. They can also carry parasites that spread diseases such as murine typhus and Lyme disease.
(This is not an image taken from Portland)
“The survival of rodents is facilitated by careless storage of commercial refuse or garbage from restaurants and other establishments where food is served and eaten, Mr Brown said. “ Also, persons eating and disposing of unwanted food indiscriminately encourage the rapid growth and multiplication of rats and mice throughout the townships and parish in general.”
He noted that dilapidated buildings also provide nesting areas for the rodents.
The Health Department was expected to host a meeting with stakeholders on Thursday, February 20, at the PMC building to give details of the plan. The programme of going after the rodents will run for eight to 12 weeks.