Incarcerated deejay Vybz Kartel has added fashion to his latest business ventures. The deejay and his team are making final preparations to release the official VK line brand, “From Portmore to the World” based on Vybz Kartel’s Gaza Movement and music, The artiste’s publicist says the brand is poised to take over urban fashion globally. According to a press release “The Gaza Movement already has pent up demand for official Vybz Kartel merchandise so it is expected this will be a global brand in a matter of weeks.” Not much is being revealed about the corporate structure of the brand except that all the intellectual property is owned by Taneisha Johnson, common law wife of Vybz Kartel and licensed to a company owned by one of his close business associates. With the line extending from t-shirts, to underwear, intimate apparel, beach attire, ladies gym shorts, foot wear and premium caps.
Fashionable Kartel
- June 10, 2016
- Less than a minute
- 9 years ago