February 23, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica

Dr Osmond Tomlinson Jr honored by Kiwanians at prayer breakfast


DSC_0008 DSC_0033 DSC_0038The Kiwanis Club of the Garden Parish Ocho Rios honored Dr Osmond Tomlinson Jr for his over 27 years of devoted service to improving the educational, social and family life of individuals throughout St Ann.

Dr Tomlinson received the award at the Kiwanis Club of the Garden Parish Ocho Rios’ annual prayer breakfast held at the St John’s Anglican Church Hall in Ocho Rios, St Ann on Saturday. May 13.

The annual event was held under the theme “Maximizing Our Purpose Through Family and Volunteerism.”

President of the club, Audrey Sutherland-Grant, in an interview with the North Coast Times, explained the reason behind the hosting of a prayer breakfast.

“One of our first objects is to give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life and in keeping with that object, every year our club has a prayer breakfast… We have prayer as a main focus, because as a service club, we believe prayer is important and we can’t achieve anything unless there is prayer,” Mrs Sutherland- Grant explained.

 “We believe that Dr Tomlinson has given so much of himself to his community and his nation in general. His father has been doing that for many years and his son decided to continue this legacy… He (Dr Tomlinson) has given so much to our community. He has held many free clinics and he has been into several rural areas,” Mrs Sutherland-Grant told the North Coast Times.

The programme for the annual prayer breakfast flowed in organization from the call to order done by President, Audrey Sutherland-Grant. This was followed by the National Anthem and pledge done by PP Maxine Segree. Several other Kiwanians participated in the morning’s proceedings, which flowed as follows: the invocation done by PVP Ilene Manning; the objects of the Kiwanis International given by PVP Fiona James; the welcome and introduction of the head table by PP Ava Neil and the roll call of clubs done by secretary Leteacher Ennis-McKenzie.

A special item was also delivered by Omar Whitely before breakfast was served. Also joining the members of the Kiwanis Club of the Garden Parish for lunch were members of the Kiwanis Club of Ocho Rios, including President, Ricardo Moncrieffe and past presidents, Herman Grant and Luke Thomas-Shorter.

Following the completion of breakfast, a brief address was made by Lieutenant Governor, Richard Austin.

And then it was all about the recipient of the Citizen’s Award, Dr Osmond Tomlinson. The reading of the citation was done by DP Marjorie Robinson.

She read: “It was Charles Dickens, who once said, ‘Whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do it well; Whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself to, completely.’ These words adequately represent the relationship that Dr Tomlinson has had with the town of Ocho Rios and indeed, the wider community of the Garden Parish. For the past 27 years, he has devoted himself to improving the educational, social and family life with as much fervor as he has devoted to teaching the practice of healthy lifestyle.”

The citation extolled his work and volunteerism in the community.

Over the years, Dr Tomlinson’s work as a medical practitioner has been well known as he has transformed the Tomlinson Medical Facility from a general family practice to include maternal, child and health care services as well as a laboratory and ultrasound facility.

A plaque was later presented by Dir Eileen Aldridge to Dr Tomlinson following the reading of the citation.

In accepting the citation and the plaque presented to him, Dr Tomlinson said he was humbled by the award and expressed his gratitude for the award.

“I am truly humbled by this award. It is very unexpected. When people are involved in volunteerism and giving back, we do it selflessly and we do it from the heart, expecting nothing in return because we have been blessed with health and strength and the will to give back to the community, so we do so freely and joyously,” he told the Kiwanians.

Dr Tomlinson also recognized the support from his wife, Anna-Kay.

In an interview with The Times, Dr Tomlinson explained that with the support of nurses Marjorie Robinson and Daphne Cushnie, it was his intention “this year to set up a free clinic in the Mansfield Heights area” and to host a family clinic at least once a month and also more frequently. He said that he would be seeking the support of the community, service clubs, such as the Kiwanis, and the police so that “we not only influence the health of the community but the social structure.”

The introduction of the guest speaker, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) in charge of the Area Two police, Fitz Bailey, was done by VP Tashari Francis.

The vote of thanks was given by VP Tashari Francis, which was followed by the traveller’s prayer by DP Lorna Morrison and the toast to Kiwanis International done by President, Audrey Sutherland-Grant.


DSC_0008: Posing for The Times lenses: (from left) Anna-Kay Tomlinson and her husband, Dr Osmond Tomlinson, DLGE Eva Myers, Omar Whitely, Dir Eileen Aldridge, PVP Fiona James and Lieutenant Governor, Richard Austin.

DSC_0038: Dr Osmond Tomlinson Jr receives the Citizen of the Year Award from Director Eileen Aldridge.