“Run and thank God. Run!”
That was the direction given to CEO of the St Ann Municipal Corporation (SAMC) Rovel Morris who is being transferred to Portland.

That specific advice came from Brown’s Town Councilor Kim Brown Lawrence, However, most Councilors including Mrs Brown Lawrence said good things of the departing CEO.
Councilors were saying farewell to Mr Morris who is being transferred, effective next month.
CEOs and other senior officers may be, and are, regularly transferred between Municipal Corporations.
The CEO from Portland, Jennifer Brown Cunningham is to replace Mr Morris in St Ann.
The announcement was made at Thursday’s monthly meeting of the SAMC and councilors expressed their best wishes to him.
Mrs Brown Lawrence told Mr Morris that given the behaviour of some Councilors “blessings sometimes come in disguise.” She said ‘Run and thank God run [from the SAMC].”
Several other councilors pointed out that CEOs are often transferred in the Local Government system. They said it was not an assessment of performance.
Mr Morris received uncomplimentary remarks from the Integrity Commission with regard to his part in the controversial setting up of an electric vehicle charging station, at the Council’s property, for then-Mayor Michael Belnavis’ car.
Acting chairman of the meeting Dalas Dickenson commended Mr Morris and said he was a son of the St Ann soil. Councilor Genevor Gordon Bailey said the post was a transferable one and Mr Morris should use the opportunity for more experience. Councilor Winston Lawrence thanked Mr Morris and told him it was an opportunity to grow.