February 23, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica



Cross Roads Early Childhood Institution in Oracabessa, St. Mary was started some 30 years ago by Marie Pauline Small-Knowles and it has grown from having three children to nearly 60 students on roll. Mrs Knowles said at the time she started the school she was unemployed and was encouraged to start a school by residents who told her that her relatives were always involved in education and schooling in the area. Today, although she is no longer inside the classroom, she has no regrets she ventured into education. She told the North Coast Times that over the years she has been encouraged by the growth and success of the children who attend the school. Cross Road Early Childhood Institution is located at the home of its founder and has three classes and a population of 56 students. The school is led now by principal Portia Kelly-Williams who has been with the institution for eight years. There are two other teachers, Olivene Harrison and Rochelle Franklyn. A past student of the school, Warren White has been volunteering at the school.  Mrs Knowles explained that during her time in the classroom at the institution, she did all she could to upgrade herself and sat all exams required by the ministry of education as well as participated in a number of training course. She explained that the exams and training were necessary to ensure that her children were exposed to the best quality teaching during their early years. She sees the early childhood sector as very important years in children’s life and she is happy she was able to impact many lives in a positive way. Principal Portia Kelly Williams told the Times that the school is guided by the curriculum set out by the early childhood commission (ECC) and she explained that the children are often exposed to other various situations through educational tours. She said too that children participate in all activities set out by the ECC including career day which sees children donning the uniform of various profession. Mrs Williams explained that despite the social economic background of some children, the teachers continue to work hard to ensure that students are well rounded and continue to excel during other aspects of their school life. The school does not only cater to children from the Oracabessa area but also to children from other communities including Mango Valley, Fontabelle and Boscobel.