DISCOVERY BAY, St Ann; March 22, 2025
Sixteen residents of communities in the Discovery Bauxite company’s mining area, St Ann, have benefitted from donations of baby chicks made possible through a donation from the company and United Way of Jamaica. Ten more are to receive their supplies next week.
(Participants in the chicken-rearing project, and Discovery Bauxite Council members)
United Way put up $500,000 for a project to be carried out by the Discovery Community Council, a voluntary community group of company representatives and residents from the mining area. The Council has existed for over 25 years, across various name changes of the Discovery Bay-based bauxite company.
(From left, Julian Keanne, Industrial Relations Officer, Discovery Bauxite, Sonya Johnson, Community Council Representative from Thicketts Community, and Nordia Tracey, Human Resources Manager, Discovery Bauxite. exchange thoughts following the presentations)
An amount of $100,000 of the United Way’s donation is to go towards a piece of playground equipment for Water Valley Basic School in the area.
Discovery Bauxite has donated $150,000 to the chicken-rearing project. Each participant was given 50 chickens, four bags of feed, and medication for the birds.
(Filling an order for a recipient)
Addressing the launching ceremony for the chicken rearing project on Thursday, March 20, 2025, Acting Vice President and Country Manager of Discovery Bauxite, Chris Cargill welcomed the initiative. Speaking to recipients and Council members at Port Rhodes Sports Club, Discovery Bay, Mr Cargill said the poultry initiative would foster 25 economic opportunity start-up projects among 15 neighbouring communities. He said it would also “Enhance income earning and sustainability among households, farmers, and their community.”
Kent Skyers, Community Council chairman said the project would help improve incomes. He pointed out that the recipients should not have much difficulty in marketing the chicken, as poultry was a favourite in Jamaica. Mr Skyers said the project is expected to be an ongoing one, with Thursday’s function representing the start.
(Richrdo Sinclair saying thanks on behalf of all the recipients)
Several residents who received chicken told the North Coast Times that they were already involved in chicken rearing or were happy to get started. They all said they were going to make the donations work for them.
Mr Skyers said RADA officers would check on the residents to help them optimize their chicken project.
Recipients Ricardo Sinclair and Pauline Beckford moved the vote of thanks.