February 23, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica


Zone Leadership Unchanged In St Ann/Trelawny And St Mary

(These six  scored seven in a come-from-behind 7-1 win over Ferncourt)

Brown’s Town, William Knibb, St Mary and Wycliffe Martin high schools all scored wins in the daCosta Cup, Wednesday, Sept 27.

Brown’s Town faced a scare in their match against Fencourt when they were held to a 1-1 scoreline at theend of the first half before going on to win 7-1 to move into second position in the Zone of death ‘C’. They have 10 points the same as York Castle but have a better coal difference and have played four compared to YC’s five — one match fewer. Cedric Titus maintain the lead on 12 points, also from five matches.

Watch Coach Codner reading the Riot Act

In Wednesday’s game at Drax Hall, Brown’s Town scored first but Ferncourt equalized and fought hard in the half to keep the score tied at 1-1 at half time. At the break, Coach Tyrone Codner pulled his troops together and gave them a tough talk hammering home a must-win message and that they should have already put away the game.  The second half was a different affair, with six more goals being scored without reply from Ferncourt.

William Knibb playing at home got an easy eight-nil win over  Discovery Bay who are yet to score in their five matches, with more than 40 scored against them.


IN ST MARY, Zone I,  St Mary  High moved up the tables with a crucial win against neighbours from Richmond, St Mary Technical. The St Mary High final goal came in the last two minutes of the match which was a ding-dong battle throughout.

Davion Mignott, Kahleem Rose, and Andre Duncan were on the scoresheet for the winners. .

Coach at St Mary High Kenroy Reid said although the teams were locked at 2-2 even after 70 minutes, he was not worried. He said the team dug deep and came away winners.

Here’s one of the St Mary High goals

In the other match in Zone I, Wycliffe Martin  beat Carron Hall 5-0 on Wednesday.

(Part of the Horace Clarke team, they are sitting pretty)

With their loss, Technical can almost surely now kiss goodbye to any chance of progressing to the next round from the Zone.

But even with their win, St Mary High are still fifth (with siz points) on the tables behind leaders Tacky (12), Annotto Bay, (10) Horace Clarke (10) and Wycliffe Martin  (7).

Horace Clarke are in a good position having played four matches.