March 14, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica


nuisanceThis humbug and nuisance to motorists has spanned more than four weeks in Ocho Rios. Some entity cut a gash across the roadway between the Guardian Life Building and the JN entrance on Graham Street. It is one of the main entrance ways from the bypass into the business district of the town, yet it has remained without repair for weeks. Marl, dirt and even some concrete have been dumped into the gash at different times making the surface still uneven and bumpy, slowing down traffic in that area. By now the businesses in the area, including Cool Corp, Guardian Life, JN itself and the NHT ought to have made such a stink that NWA or the Parish Council would have found impossible to ignore.

FIX THE TRAFFIC: This traffic crunch is a common scene these days looking west from the area around Great House Pharmacy on DaCosta Drive. Not only is DaCosta Drive jammed but Evelyn Street, a one way that flows into it is often backed up as well. And so too is the bypass, especially the portion from Newlin Street (or Police Station Road) or Evelyn Street west to the intersection at Milford Road. Clearly traffic flow changes have developed at the entrance-exit of the Eight Rivers Plaza. We don’t understand how the police and the NWA have not seen that the lights need to be regulated and synchronized  to have better flow around the little resort town. There is no need for the nasty behavior and bad driving that takes place every weekday in the early to late afternoon. Perhaps the Mayor who operates business near where the confusion and grind takes place every afternoon can call the police superintendent and the NWA. The Chamber of Commerce president should call even earlier, since soon people will be forced to stay away from the centre of the little town..