March 31, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica

5 Kiwanians recognized at island wide mass meeting in Ochi

5 Kiwanians recognized at island wide mass meeting in OchiDistinguished Kiwanian, Eva Myers, was among five Kiwanians from four divisions, who were recognized for their invaluable contribution to the Kiwanis movement, during a massive joint meeting in Ocho Rios, St Ann on Wednesday, July 9. The other awardees were: Vivienne McDonald-Calder, former president of the Kiwanis Club of Montego Bay; Dwight Russell, an ex-army man who has served the Ocho Rios Kiwanis Club with distinction; Jason Kemp, recognized by Division 23 West for his service to the Kiwanis Club of Portmore, and Andrew Samuels, a teacher at Mona High school who was recognized by Division 23 East. Samuels is the president designate for Kiwanis CyberConnect Jamaica. The mass joint meeting, hosted by 11 Kiwanis Clubs based in Divisions 23 East and West as well divisions 24 and 25, held at the Ocho Rios Chamber of Commerce conference center in Pineapple, Ocho Rios also saw Kiwanians from across the island in attendance. President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlton-Alexandria, Richard Austin, described the turnout to the first-of-its-kind meeting in St Ann as a huge success. He said in addition to recognizing stalwart Kiwanians, the meeting  was also used as an avenue to bring Kiwanians from different parts of the country together. “It is in an effort of fellowship and togetherness, we have clubs from far and wide so this is also an opportunity for fellow Kiwanians to get to interact and know each other,” he said. Mr. Austin was instrumental in organizing the joint meeting. Special guest presenter was reggae/dancehall vocalist and actress Cherine Anderson. Ms. Anderson lauded the Kiwanis movement in Jamaica and its members for continuously working towards improving and impacting the lives of countless number of Jamaicans in a positive way. She also spoke about her Reach One Child Foundation and the work it has been doing, in giving back to children, particularly in education and she encouraged the Kiwanians to continue with their high level of volunteerism. “Volunteerism promotes empowerment … How you make people feel will last a lifetime,” she told the gathering. Mr Austin said all the proceeds from the mass joint meeting would go towards the Kiwanis Foundation of Jamaica and Kiwanis Eliminate Project which is aimed at eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus worldwide. The joint meeting was put on by the Kiwanis Clubs of Charlton-Alexandria, Ocho Rios, Buff Bay, Providence, Montego Bay, New Falmouth, Linstead, Central Portmore, Central St. at heroine, CyberConnect Jamaica and Trafalgar.