March 6, 2025
Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Jamaica

269 mark another milestone in graduating from Ocho Rios High • Principal sees Ochi High becoming ‘centre of excellence’

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Two hundred and sixty-nine students (269) students went down in history as members of the 2017 graduating class of the Ocho Rios High School on Wednesday, July 5.

The annual graduation ceremony was held at the school’s auditorium, Ocho Rios St Ann under the theme ‘Using challenges to build a brighter future.’

The ceremony opened with the procession of the graduates, dressed in their gold and green gowns. They were accompanied by their form teachers. The graduates were well supported by many family and friends who experienced an informative and, enticing ceremony.

The chairman’s opening remarks were delivered by the Very Reverend Richard Tucker, who is also the board chairman of the institution. Following the singing of the hymn ‘Now Thank We All Our God,’ the prayer was done by prefect Jevroy Blake and the lesson was done by youth ambassador, Shaniel McKoy. The head girl of the Ocho Rios High School, Deandra Moffatt gave the welcome. The school band then did an item. Several musical items from the school choir and the graduating class also tingled throughout the afternoon’s programme.

Several persons gave greetings and congratulated the students on their completion of secondary education. Among those bringing greetings were: Verona Dean, senior education officer; Veraldene Nelson, PTA president and the mayor of St Ann’s Bay, Michael Belnavis.

For his part, Mayor Belnavis commended the graduates for making it this far in their journey. He told them that with the future developments in tourism, especially in Llandovery with a new hotel set to be constructed, there was a need for technical and highly skilled persons.

In his report, principal, Marvin Clowson explained that the graduating ceremony “continues to mark a significant milestone in the life of the Ocho Rios High School as a critical reminder that there is a time and a place for everything and as such there is a need to capitalize in every existing opportunity and it is used as one of the motivational tools for students to work assiduously and to excel in their undertakings.”  (See associated story)

Guest speaker for the afternoon’s ceremony was Fae Ellington, lecturer of the Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication (CARIMAC), who was introduced by head boy, Shavoy Lyons. She encouraged the graduates to surround themselves with the right people and ask for divine guidance.

She interacted well with the graduates and they all responded in unison to a loud “yes” to her questions of: “Your potential is there waiting on you. Do you believe it? (Yes) You are responsible for where you are going from here. Do you receive it? (Yes) You are going to be the best person you can possible be. You are going to hang on to that? (Yes).”

The presentation of the certificates and the diplomas was filled with cheers and applause from the enthused audience. The presentation of the special awards section saw several graduates receiving awards for outstanding academic and extra-curricular performance.

The members of the Ocho Rios High School Quiz Team, Dominic Waite, Shavoy Lyons, Tyrese Hnery, Keyode Palmer, Tavia Scarlett and Ralph Taylor were all awarded and recognized.

Several students copped awards for being top achievers in ten subject areas. These were: English Language- Briana Chambers; Mathematics– Ricardo Campbell; Social Studies– Shaniel McKoy; Integrated Science– Anna-Kay Clarke; Home Eonomics– Monica Williams; Business Education– Dalia Williams; Industrial Techniques– Andre Williams; Visual Arts– Iquan Gordon; Music– Shalom Miller and Theatre Arts– Delano Benjamin.

The most outstanding academic performance for 2017 for male and female went to Ralph Taylor and Briana Chambers respectively. The Principal’s Awards for being the most consistent Principal’s Honor Roll students for five years went to Alecia Roberts and Jamaal Johnson.

The most outstanding student, who was described as rounded in both academics and extra-curricular activities, went to Dominic Waite, who is also the student council, second vice president and the captain of the School’s Challenge Quiz Team.

Following the charge to the graduates by the principal, the graduates’ response was delivered by student council president, Ranoldo Morris and Briana Chambers, the student council first vice president.

The ceremony came to a close with the singing of the national anthem.

Principal sees Ochi High becoming ‘centre of excellence’

The principal of Ocho Rios High says the school will become one of choice and a centre of excellence.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony last week, Marvin Clowson said among the programmes in place at the institution to help with academics was the principal’s Honor Roll.

“In an effort to boost academic performance, the principal’s Honor Roll is used as a motivating tool to propel the nation’s children in their academic pursuits. Ten more students have been added to the list,” Mr Clowson said, while adding that the maximum score has been moved to 90 percent.

The principal also reflected on the significant successes of Ocho Rios High School in extra-curricular activities throughout the 2016-2017 academic year. The school placed second in both the Debate Mate Competition and the Burger King National Schools’ Debate Competition and received several medals in the JCDC speech, music and dance competitions. Ocho Rios High School also won their first round match in the TVJ School Challenge’s Quiz competition and lost by only one point in the second round. There were also excellent performances by the school in the area of sports. The school entered the daCosta Cup, Flow Super Cup, the ISSA Boys and Girls Championships and also excelled in tennis.

Mr Clowson also had a strong message of his departing students.

“Be strong, be determined, be polite, be independent, be kind, be ambitious and always leave your footprints on the sands of time. Note well the six P’s: proper planning and practice prevents poor performance. Let your success speak volume for you as you take your light and light the world,” he told them.

He gave the commitment that Ocho Rios High School will become “a centre of excellence” and a “school of choice.”